We created Vote4America.Com because, over the past 246 years, millions of children, women, and men have sacrificed their lives to defend your right to vote for qualified candidates who will serve your needs.
Our democracy which protects the freedoms we cherish, depends on your vote to survive and thrive.
You help build America, pay for it, and keep it free, so, win or lose, you deserve a say in who runs the local, state, and federal government today, tomorrow, and in the foreseeable future.
America is not the exclusive property of state legislators or 535 representatives and senators in Washington, D.C. -- it belongs to you, your loved ones, and 334 million countrywomen and men.
Your vote gives you the power to influence domestic and national security, education, health care, immigration, infrastructure, jobs, gender, economic, racial equality, social security, taxes, voting rights, and other vital issues.
"Thinking isn't agreeing or disagreeing. That's voting." ~ Robert Frost
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